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A little knowledge can lead to a lot of cash! It's your turn to access the e-commerce merchant goldmine by starting your own ebusiness or home business. The tools, tricks and technologies you need to dig out a few nuggets for yourself are presented here, including finance options and resources, such as web hosting, if needed. Discover the easiest, quickest and most economical ways for entrepreneurs to set up web sites and establish merchant accounts and low-cost alternatives to accept credit cards online.
A little research and planning now can keep you from starting off on the wrong foot. Learn how to quickly expand your piece of the e-commerce pie. Established entrepreneurs will learn about low-cost ways to diversify and promote their product lines and increase the traffic to their web sites. | The major search engines can be accessed for registration directly from this site. Many examples and expert testimony are included. Learn how to sell your products without a merchant account and discover low or no-cost alternatives to creating your own web site. Presented in a step-by-step fashion to overcome the hype and misleading buzz-words found in many promotional sites. |
Once you're ready to start your e-business or perhaps get your own merchant account, there's some important information you should digest about the credit card industry, business terms, legal responsibilities, chargebacks, your responsibility as a merchant, e-commerce technologies, and so on. Questions like "Do you really need a web site?" and "Do you need a federal EIN to start a business?" are answered in the linked nuggets below. You've probably been informed about many over-hyped schemes such as MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) schemes that actually represent Milking-Lower-Mines. Very few MLM programs actually let you participate for free, and most have a product that is of little market value. These should be distinguished from free-entry multi-level systems, which we call FML (Free-Multi-Level). Some FML systems actually give you a free web site and a product that actually sells. For example, GoEmerchant gives you a free web site as an affiliate to help you market their ecommerce solutions such as merchant accounts, the Buy_Me button, the EZ Payment Gateway and related products. They also allow you to customize the free web site with your own logos, titles, color scheme and key words. This free web site example was provided to Merchant Goldmine as an affiliate reseller. Notice the customized web title and company name on this example. This is just one example, other viable opportunities will be found throughout the Merchant Goldmine. No doubt you've been introduced to email promotions that try to sell you email lists for unmitigated SPAM promotions. If you've attended a promotional seminar you have been subjected to high pressure sales tactics that may sell you a web site or merchant account even if you don't have any business or product! Attending a promotional seminar is like saying, "I'm ready to be taken for a ride. How much money do you want?"
At Merchant Goldmine we try to advise you not to make any hasty investments until you have done some research from objective and credible sources. These nuggets of knowledge will give you a good foothold on the e-commerce summit. Plan to take notes or print the pages of information relevant to your needs, or e-mail each page to a handy e-mail server, or bookmark each appropriate link for reference. If you don't have time today, bookmark this page and come back when you're ready to get started. We recommend you study every corner or page of the Merchant Goldmine before you stake your claim and make an investment. |
It's true that a little knowledge can lead to a lot of cash! It's also true that in some cases a little ignorance may lead to unfortunate outcomes. One of the most important services the web provides is to connect businesses to other businesses and consumers. Now several hundred major corporations have joined together to create a standard format and database to index all commercial and B2B entities on the web. UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) can now be accessed for searching businesses or free registration of your own business. For a quick course in Internet Business or eMail as well as other topics, check out the free Newbie Tutorials or the Newbie Academy Club listed below. Several sites on the web provide promotional services for new inventions and innovative ideas. |
Small Business Administration - U.S. SBA Starting Your Business
Small Business Expert Advice - American Express
UDDI - Universal Description, Discovery and Integration - IBM
Can Small Web Firms Build a Better Market? Startup Journal - The Wall Street Journal
Do You Really Need a Web Site? - Entrepreneur.com
Banking Terms You Need To Know - First Data
Checklist for Doing Business Alone - Entrepreneur.com
Do Your Homework: Researching Your Start-Up - Entrepreneur.com
Internet Credit Card Processing - First Data
Inventors Assistance League - Non-profit organization serving inventors since 1963
InventNET the inventors network - free help with your invention, patent
The Innovator's Guide - Dr. Bouarfa Mahi
The Internet Invention Store - Inventing.com
Frequently Asked Questions on Patents - Brown & Michaels
Agricultural equipment, farm magazines, farm inventions - organizations
Comprehensive Patent, Research & Presentation Services - Phase 2 Incorporated
zPatents.com - Buy & Sell Inventions & Patents! Inventions For Sale & Auction!
DaVinci-Online™ The Licensing Marketplace - Intellectual Property (IP) Directory
1 Invention Central™ Inventors, Product Developers
Invention Guide Patent Section - ToysDirectory.com
Design and prototyping services - C.F.C. Engineering Automationidea.com
Protecting Your Ability to Get a Patent: What Counts as a Bar to Patenting? MIT
PelhamWest Associates - matches inventors and manufacturers with no fee to the inventor
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - Patent Grant and Patent Application Full-Text anf Full-Page Images
Delphion Research intellectual property network - international and US patent search database
All of the resources above offer valuable services. We do not recommend any site or service, in particular. Regardless of which service you use, if any, the only real protection for your innovative ideas is a patent from the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. Even an approved patent may expose the inventor to risks if the claims are not prepared well, or the scope is too narrow.
See the optimized search tool for special key words below |
Quickly compare rates and monthly costs between PayPal, Yahoo! PayDirect,
2Checkout, ClickBank, DigiBuy, FastPay, iBill, Jettis, iKobo,
Kagi, MultiCards, MyPaySystems, Process54, ProPay, StormPay,
Verotel and other alternatives, including Merchant Accounts
with the Maculator™
Match up with a Merchant Account Provider that meets your business needs with your own E-Commerce Profile
A little research and planning now can keep you from starting off on the wrong foot. |
More resources and information are added to this site every few days. Be sure to bookmark this site before you leave today. If you know of a source of information or link that could benefit our visitors, please use the Link Request form. |
Link requests will be evaluated based on the benefit to E-Commerce entrepreneurs, the quality of the site, reciprocation options, and other criteria including monetary benefit. Current links will be re-evaluated periodically. |
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