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A number of popular search engines with free registration services are
linked below. For your convenience, these links point directly to the page
for free registration. Please note that many of these sites have payment
options on the same page for additional services or links to business partners.
Be sure you select the free registration
form before you press the submit button.
One of the most important services the web provides is to connect businesses to other businesses and consumers. In May of 2001, several hundred major corporations have joined together to create a standard format and database to index all commercial and B2B entities on the web. UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) can now be accessed for searching businesses or free registration of your own business.
Although there are many utilities and web sites to expedite the mass registration to many of these sites, some free, some for payment, for the first time their are advantages of direct submission of your URL. For example, it's helpful to become familiar with the simplicity of many search engine submissions and, in contrast, the complexity of others, especially those that are directory based, rather than web site based. There are thousands of free for all (FFA) directory listings on the web. The amount of actual web traffic driven by the FFA sites, however, is negligible. These directories usually identify themselves with the 'free for all' title. They are not established as web portals like the major search engines and usually take submissions mainly to acquire e-mail addresses for solicitation. There are also many other specialized search engines which are valuable tools for education, research and surfing the net for the fun of discovery. The Merchant Goldmine search utility below will identify a variety of different types search engines. Since there are hundreds or maybe thousands of competitors for just about every niche of the business you may be interested in, getting near the top one or two pages of several major search engines (the portals) is important to start building traffic. Several online and PC software solutions will help you automate the process of submitting to either the top engines or the FFA listings or both. If nothing else, these programs save you time and help you to keep your submissions activities organized. For example, TrafficSeeker is a downloadable software package that helps you to easily register with all the top search engines and as many FFA sites you wish to include. A trial version can be downloaded free and upgrade packages cost between $70 and $200. The additional value of some search engine submission services is the attention to good placement in the major search engines based on strategic key words. Whether you do this yourself or with the help of others, you still need to do some basic thinking on the key words that make your site stand out. If you're selling CD's, are you selling them to the general public or to selected market groups? Be sure you pay attention to your key words on each submitted page prior to submitting your web site. Plan to spend an hour or so to go through all these submissions. For the directory listings, you will need information that describes your site, as well. It's best to have a text file handy on your desktop with key words and a 25-word description. This makes it easier to cut and paste the information as needed. Most search engine web sites warn you not to resubmit your URL more frequently than 60 days. If you do so, they may remove your listing altogether.
Quickly compare rates and monthly costs between PayPal, Yahoo! PayDirect, 2Checkout, ClickBank, DigiBuy, FastPay, iBill, Jettis, iKobo, Kagi, MultiCards, MyPaySystems, Process54, ProPay, StormPay, Verotel and other alternatives, including Merchant Accounts with the Maculator™
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Ninety percent of all web traffic is driven by
the major search engines...
Does your site exist in the search engine
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Link requests will be evaluated based on the benefit to E-Commerce entrepreneurs, the quality of the site, reciprocation options, and other criteria including monetary benefit. Current links will be re-evaluated periodically. |
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